Welcome to Turning Tables
The Turning Tables podcast features fresh perspectives from innovative leaders writing the new rules for success in today's dynamic and competitive restaurant marketplace. Host and Growth Strategist, Kathleen Wood, and her guests invite you to pull up a chair and join the conversation as they turn the tables to share their best practices and practical insights on leadership, growth, and acceleration for building the next generation of great brands.
In this episode, Wood talks with Paul Barron, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Rever Networks about the launch of the latest Foodable Network podcast, Turning Tables. They discuss the new platform and what listeners can expect to hear on the show.
Barron asks Wood to share more about her experience and the concept for Turning Tables. Wood talks about her background as a business growth strategist and spending her entire career within the restaurant industry. She talks about her experience of taking small businesses, turning them into big brands, and working with really great industry leaders over the years. Wood adds that the industry is currently facing a massive, rapid and exciting transformation. She says, “As I started to think about a podcast, I thought wouldn't it be refreshing to literally take two thought leaders and put them at the table, and have a discussion about these transformations, but allow both of us to bring our fresh perspectives to what this means not only for our businesses today but where our businesses are going in the future.”
Barron and Wood discuss how the industry has morphed during the challenges it faced over the past two years, and the dynamic around how businesses are reformatting their entire model of how they do business. Barron says, “It's as if they were startups again.” Wood shares that her intent for the podcast is to provide fresh ideas and perspectives from industry leaders who are writing the new, practical rules for success that actually work. She says, “I believe that these leaders are going to bring forward ideas that people will be able to use and apply once they're done listening to the podcast.”